February 14, 2025

#ChallengeAccepted kampanyasına destek veren isimler

‘Challenge Accepted » kampanyası hızla yayıldı!

Pınar Gültekin’in eski sevgilisi tarafından vahşice öldürülmesinden sonra ayağa kalkan kadınların sosyal medyada siyah beyaz fotoğraflarını paylaşarak farkındalık yaratmaya çalıştığı #ChallengeAccepted (Meydan okuma kabul edildi) akımı ülke sınırlarını aşarak dünyaya yayıldı.

Türkiye’de son yıllarda yükselen kadın cinayetleri ve kadına karşı şiddet vakaları ile beraber kadınların birbirine destek amacıyla yürüttüğü fotoğraf paylaşma akımı « İstanbul Sözleşmesi yaşatır » sloganının yaygınlaşmasına da ön ayak oldu.

“Challenge Accepted” hashtag’iyle başlayan harekete kadınlar şiddet, taciz ve eşitsizliğe karşı seslerini yükseltiyor. Ayrıca fotoğrafı paylaşan kişi, fotoğrafın altına kadın arkadaşını da etiketleyerek, meydan okumaya davet ediyor. Sertab Erener, Sibel Tüzün, Hadise, Pınar Ayhan gibi Eurovision temsilcilerimiz dışında birçok Eurovision yıldızı da bu kampanyaya destek oldu.

Dami Im (Avustralya 2016)

Laura Tesoro (Belçika 2016)

Emmelie De Forest ( Danimarka 2013)
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It seems the #challengeaccepted trend has lost its way and has been hijacked by celebrities and others. This instagram challenge was originally created as a way for women to show their solidarity with women in Turkey, where violence against women is one of the highest in the world. In particular, the posts were intended as a show of solidarity with a woman called Pinar Gültekin, a 27-year-old Turkish university student who was horrifically murdered recently. Turkish women wake up everyday to see black and white photos of murdered women. The #ChallengeAccepted trend started as a way for women to raise their voice and stand in solidarity with the women whose lives have been taken and to highlight the fact that one day it could be their own black and white picture that is plastered across the newspapers. So go ahead and post selfies and tag the women in your life you want to show some love and appreciation for, but understand the real story behind the challenge and consider editing your post to inform your friends and followers on what women in Turkey are currently facing. #PinarGultekin #TurkishWomen #womensupportingwomen #DomesticViolenceAwareness #Femicide #WomenHelpingWomen #Repost @opusloredana (@get_repost) ・・・

Une publication partagée par Emmelie de Forest (@emmeliedeforest) le

 Charlotte Perrelli (Isveç 1999)
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Challenge accepted @sarasommerfeld #womenempoweringwomen

Une publication partagée par Charlotte Perrelli (@laperrelli) le

Tamara Todevska (Kuzey Makedonya 2019)
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Challenge accepted @tijana.dapcevic @katarina_ivanovska @milaarsovska ❤️ #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen

Une publication partagée par Tamara Todevska (@tamaratodevska) le

Barei (Ispanya 2016)
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He oído por ahí que somos arpías, manipuladoras, contradictorias, malas malísimas cuando queremos y las más críticas con las demás y con nosotras mismas… En esto último es en lo único que estoy de acuerdo y quizá sea por esa realidad distorsionada que nos muestra esta sociedad de la mujer (siempre lista y perfecta) que nos hace volvernos excesivamente exigentes y vernos como competencia , rivales y enemigas muchas veces… Pero ¿sabéis qué? … que lo único que tenemos de “arpías” (mitología griega) son las “alas” para volar y hacerlo juntas siendo así cada vez más fuertes 💪. Reto aceptado @chenoa #challengeaccepted #womensupportingwomen 🥰

Une publication partagée par Barei (@bareimusic) le

Greta Salome (Izlanda 2012 ve 2016)
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Challenge accepted (cause all the cool kids are doing it) 🤍🤍 @madelinesmodelling_ @laurawrightsings @allyson_urban @torutrix

Une publication partagée par 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐀 𝐒𝐀𝐋Ó𝐌𝐄 (@gretasalome) le

Edsilia Rombley (Hollanda 2007, 2020 ve 2021 Eurovision sunucusu)
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#challengeaccepted thanks @rosaliecurto @life_and_body_moves @magaligorre #Love❤️ #women #proud

Une publication partagée par Edsilia Rombley (@edsiliarombley) le

Nevena Bozovic (Sirbistan 2013,2019)
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#challengeaccepted @tanjcika 💕

Une publication partagée par Nevena Ivanović (@nevenabozovicofficial) le

Elisa (Portekiz 2020)
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Challenge accepted 😎 @joanaalegre.music

Une publication partagée par Elisa (@mar.elisa.music) le

Saara Aalto (Finlandiya 2018)

Kalomira (Yunanistan 2008)
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I wouldn’t be the woman I am today without the love and support of my wonderful mother and incredibly kind hearted sister. 🌷May we all support one another with genuine compassion and love always. Thanks for the nomination @tina_ciaccio @elzap14 🤍🤍 . . 🇬🇷 Δεν θα ήμουν η γυναίκα που είμαι σήμερα χωρίς την αγάπη και την υποστήριξη της υπέροχης μητέρας μου και της απίστευτα ευγενικής αδελφής μου. Μπορούμε όλοι να υποστηρίζουμε ο ένας και τον άλλο με γνήσια συμπόνια και αγάπη πάντα. Ευχαριστώ για την υποψηφιότητα @tina_ciaccio @elzap14 . . #challengeaccepted #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen

Une publication partagée par Kalomira (@itskalomira) le

Lindita Wagenmakers (Hollanda 2000)

Yianna Terzi (Yunanistan 2018)

Rona Nishliu (Arnavutluk 2012)

Maya Sar (Bosna Hersek 2012)
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#challengeaccepted @jelenatomasevic_official @nevernebebe #letsloveeachother #girlpower #womensupportingwomen

Une publication partagée par Maya Sar Official (@mayasarofficial) le

Pastora Soler (Ispanya 2012)
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#challengeaccepted #retoaceptado Gracias amigas queridas @vanesamartin_ @india_martinez_oficial por nominarme!!!! #sororidad ⭐️👭👭👭👭👭❤️

Une publication partagée par Pastora Soler (@pastora_soler) le

Kaliopi (Kuzey Makedonya 2012 ve 2016)
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#challengeaccepted #womansupportingwomen @nevernebebe & @corallo_verde #blackandwhitephotography #womenpower @danymaksi @lejla.filipovic @majasazdanovska @julija.ognenoska #nowitsyourturn ❤️

Une publication partagée par Kaliopi (@kaliopi_official) le

Emma Marrone (Italya 2014)
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✨challenge accepted ✨ Grazie a @nicolettaromanoff @matildadeangelis @gretascarano ❤️

Une publication partagée par Emma Marrone (@real_brown) le

Kasia Mos (Polonya 2017)

Krista Siegfrids (Finlandiya 2013)

Nina Zilli (Italya 2012)

Sertab Erener (2003)

Sibel TÜZÜN (2006)
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#challengeaccepted @ceydsnbdk 💙🙏 #istanbulsözleşmesiyaşatır #womenforwomen 👊 #sisterspower @handanarutan @esinecir @marmeladess #womensupportingwomen #stopviolenceagainstwomen

Une publication partagée par Sibel Tüzün (@sibeltuzun) le

Pinar Ayhan (2000)
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#repost @escstory ・・・ The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, better known as the Istanbul Convention, is a human rights treaty of the Council of Europe against violence against women and domestic violence which was opened for signature on 11 May 2011, in Istanbul, Turkey. The convention aims at prevention of violence, victim protection and « to end with the impunity of perpetrators ». As of March 2019, it has been signed by 45 countries and the European Union. On 12 March 2012, Turkey became the first country to ratify the Convention, followed by 33 other countries from 2013 to 2019 (Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Portugal, San Marino, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland). Nowadays some countries such as Bulgaria, Slovakia, Poland and Turkey want to withdraw from the treaty because they don’t accept the third gender, homosexuality, transgenders or equality. If these countries withdraw, domestic violence, rape, violence against women will increase. This is not just a basic topic, violence affects the whole world. Please be our voice by sharing black-white strong women photos using the hashtag #challengeaccepted. Girls, we are strong, don’t forget that. 💪 #challengeaccepted #strongwomen #eurovision #istanbulsözleşmesiyaşatır

Une publication partagée par Pınar Ayhan (@pinarayhan) le

Buket Bengisu (2002)
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#challengeaccepted✔@elhantok #womanspower #wearestorenger #istanbulsözleşmesiyaşatır #kadınaşiddetehayır, @ipekacarcomtr @demirbetul, @dileksdisignevents, @gulcintekay @plate.topixel @telatard

Une publication partagée par BB (@buketbengisu) le