October 16, 2024

Thorsten Flinck disqualified from Melodifestivalen 2020 because of criminal charge

Thorsten Flinck disqualified from Melodifestivalen 2020 because of criminal charge

Mellodrama – Thorsten FlInck dIsqualIfIed from MelodIfestIvalen 2020!

SVT, the Swedish national broadcaster has announced that Thorsten Flinck, who was due to compete in the second semi final of Melodifestivalen 2020 is disqualified from the competition because he is charged criminally  with unlawful threat and vandalism. 

Anette Helenius, project manager of Melodifestivalen announced:

“We are extremely sad. We wanted to see Thorsten Flinck on stage on Saturday. However he is currently in an ongoing legal process and that’s why we can’t allow him as a competitor.”

SVT is currently searching for a new artist who will perform the song “Miraklernas tid”, written by Thomas G:son. 

Was It the rIght decIsIon? Tell us In the comments sectIon below.
Source: blogg.svt.se
Photo by: Janne Danielsson/SVT